What gifts do you accept?
We accept brand new, unopened gifts for children aged 0-16 years.
What can’t be accepted?
We cannot accept second-hand or damaged items, nor any adult gifts.
Why do you only accept children’s gifts?
Due to health and safety regulations, we are unable to accept a variety of items (e.g., candles, alcohol, etc.). Therefore, the Smile Sleigh team will purchase and package gift bags for women, ensuring all items comply with these regulations, with some of the funds raised through our Just Giving page.
Where are the drop-off points?
Nationwide Building Society, Town Hall Buildings, Farnham GU9 7NT
Ash Vale Furnishers, Wharf Road, Ash Vale, Surrey, GU12 5AS
Aldershot Garrison Sports Centre, Rawlinson Rd, Aldershot GU11 2EY
Independent drop-off points throughout Farnham and the surrounding area. Please contact smilesleighteam@gmail.com for more information.
What happens to cash that is donated?
The money is used by the Smile Sleigh team to purchase gifts for children and women. We have a registered finance officer who ensures all funds are used solely for the purpose of Smile Sleigh.
Where do the gifts go?
Gifts are distributed to both refuges and outreach services. For the refuges, gifts are hand-selected based on the number of women and children (and their ages) living at each refuge. The remainder of the gifts are distributed via the Domestic Abuse outreach services, where all gifts are sorted and handed out to vulnerable families.
What does the term ‘initiative’ mean?
Smile Sleigh is an initiative, not a registered charity. We have a steering committee and a network of volunteers. We are a non-profit organisation created solely to distribute gifts.
When can I donate?
We start collecting donations from the end of September. The last donation day is November 30th. This ensures time for all gifts to be sorted, counted, hand-selected, and distributed across the local area in time for the festive period.
How can I get involved?
We are always looking for individuals and businesses that want to help us create smiles. If you can offer time or a skill, or if you are a business that wants to support Smile Sleigh, please get in touch with us at smilesleighteam@gmail.com.